So it was early days in the Duke adventure…
His Dukeness and I were in my cellar before a gig sorting some gear. “What’s this!’ He proclaimed (as all royalty proclaims). “It’s called a Stumpf Fiddle” I replied. “I got it when my mate was clearing out his music shop. I’ve got 4 of them in fact.”
“Bring it to the gig” he proclaimed. And thus the adventure of the Stumpf Fiddle, who is often affectionately called Stumpy, began.
“Appearing onstage with Duke will be his master percussionist, Chip Bailey - a celebrity in his own right. His instrument (if you can even call it that) is his 'Stumpf Fiddle' which essentially is a stick with some pans and a bicycle bell strapped to it. It makes a terrific noise” - GUILFEST
If you want to find out more about the Stumpf Fiddle go to the Official Stumpf Fiddle Website here:
Live with best mate Bob Bowles who I have been making music with since we were kids (not a great view of Stumpy but you get the idea).
After many requests for years from people asking “Where can we get one?” and “If you start producing them I will definitely buy,” finally came The Chipstick, as seen above.
Expertly crafted by Reg Wilkes down in Somerset. Contact him here if you would like to purchase your own one-off Chipstick!