Can’t quite remember how the cheese and whisk came about but must have been one of those mad moments of inspiration!
They are even sold at gigs with an instruction manual of holding positions, common injuries and cheese grater rudiments i.e. The Rinky Dunk, Shicky Toom etc.
But the fans seem to have taken to it.
“If any other drummer in the world told you that egg whisks and cheese graters were for sale on the merchandising stand and offered a lesson in elementary kitchenware percussion halfway through the gig you might think it surreal. With Chip Bailey it seems like the most natural thing in the world.” - SCOTT EDGAR
Always have one at the kit ready.
“The first entertaining moment was when, as Chip put it "Mr Duke needs to go for a mr PeePee" and all the lads ran off stage leaving Chip on his own. So, in a very impromtu fashion Chip treated the audience to a "Cheese grater tutorial" which involved an audience sing-a-long of course! The audience loved every second of it, and spent the rest of the night cheering at Chip (and Ben's) every move” - FAN AT GIG